Call for Research Project – FRANS SEDA FOUNDATION International Research Collaboration (IRC) 2021

About the Frans Seda Foundation
The Frans Seda Foundation was inspired by the life -long commitment of Frans Seda, an Indonesian statesman who was a bridge-builder between islands, religion, and nations.

The foundation itself was established in 2012 when members of the Tilburg Student Fraternity I.K.S. of which Frans Seda was a member decided to continue and preserve his legacy.

The goal of the foundation is to promote innovative ideas through collaboration between scholars from Indonesia and The Netherlands, to put into action the philosophy of Frans Seda in finding solutions in facing current challenges related to political economy, social transformation, and social justice issues.

The Frans Seda Foundation International Research Collaboration 2021

The Frans Seda Foundation IRC (International Research Collaboration) aims to encourage research collaboration between Indonesian and Dutch scholars to think innovatively and critically in finding solutions to pressing issues related to political economy, social transformation, and social justice in both countries.

Through IRC’s, the Frans Seda Foundation will provide funding for an attractive and innovative research proposal of joint research collaboration related to the issues mentioned above.

The global Covid-19 pandemic has limited the ability of scholars from both countries to travel and doing collaborative research in person hence the funding from FSF IRC will function as part of larger research funds that the applicants apply from other places and/or also designed to encourage international collaborative research between the scholars from both countries by utilizing the resources from both countries and research arrangement through virtual settings.

The FSF IRC is suitable for an early stage of research collaboration or it can also be used for finalizing an ongoing research project that is already in near completion.

Applicant Requirements (please read carefully):

1. The application for FSF IRC will begin with the submission of a LOI (Letter of Interest). The content of the LOI will be explained below.

2. Each LOI must have one PI (Principal Investigators) and one Co PI (the two people, one must be a citizen of Indonesia and the other must be a citizen of the Netherlands). Please note: Each PI and co-PI can only submit one LOI project hence, they cannot be listed as PI or co-PI in other LOI application for FSF IRC project submission.

3. As mentioned, the FSF IRC funding can be used for an early stage of a research collaboration, a preliminary research project involving the scholars from both countries, and/or to finalize an ongoing collaborative research project to its completion.

4. The topic for the collaborative research project should be related with issues on political economy and/or social transformation and/or social justice in Indonesia and the Netherlands (comparative) and/or only in Indonesia and/or only in The Netherlands.

5. All FSF IRC applicants must submit a brief Letter of Interest (LOI) on an institution letterhead which contains the following information: Brief description of the project including its goals, the names of the PI and institutions they represent.

6. A committee from FSF will review and make the selection from the submitted LOI. If your LOI is selected the committee will ask you to submit a longer and more detailed proposal (guidelines will follow).

7. The decision of the FSF committee is final.

Total Grant:

For this year we will choose up to 4 projects, and each of the selected project will receive a maximum of  € 2000 (equivalent of IDR 34,000,000)

The application for the FSF IRC consist of 4 (four) sections as follows (Please note: the applicant must filled all the required sections)

Application Form and Submission of the Letter of Interest (LOI)

All FSF IRC applicants must fill the application form in the following link:

The Application and the LOI (Letter of Interest) should be submitted at the latest by 31 May 2021, at 12.00 pm (GMT +7) Western Indonesian Time

For further information and communication, kindly reach us through:

Thank you!