Our third day started very early in order to get our train to Cirebon. At 6 am we were having breakfast so that around 7 am we could get the bus to the train station. During the train ride of three hours we celebrated the birthday of one of the Indonesian fellows, Stanley. Well, to be honest we forgot his birthday yesterday so we had to make it up to him, and rightly so!
Also we worked on teambuilding by doing a team challenge. The assignment consisted some great challenges for the fellows, for example: take a wefie or selfie with an animal, find an object that is purple, record one of the team members dancing in a public space and give a random person a massage and record it. Every team was extremely competitive and driven to win. But it was also a lot of fun and a nice way to get to know each other better.
Once arrived at the station of Cirebon we were transported by Becak to the hotel. This was a special and fun way to see Cirebon. All guests were warmly welcomed at the hotel.
Today we again had very inspiring Passion Talks. Today we had: Rowena giving her talk on Accelerating Sustainable Change; Johanna on Constant discoveries; Roel on his passion for cycling; and Olivia on Tuberculosis: a fight to end an ancient disease.
As part of our visit to Linggarjati on Wednesday all fellows had to submit today two topics for the Joint Declaration. The Joint Declaration is aimed to inspire, encourage and enable others to contribute further to the development of Indonesian-Dutch relations. We will come back to this later.
After a work session of the fellows and npo’s we came together for the results of the team challenge. By composing a song and performing it, the team of npo The Leader had the most points and was the rightful winner! They were rewarded with a beautiful wallet with an Indonesian print.

The programme of the day ended with a dinner. To give the fellows a little rest they have had time for themselves afterwards. Many fellows have visited the city and for some it has become a bit late … 🙂
Najima Khan, Dutch Innovation Lab Fellow